Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A++ Flash Cards is Almost Live

A++ Flash Cards will soon be in the Android Market. A++ Flash Cards is a simple application that allows users to create, edit, and view flash cards on their phone. A++ Flash Cards allows users to take their flash cards with them wherever they go, eliminating the need for a large, bulky stack of index cards. A++ Flash Cards is extremely user friendly, and an effective tool for memorization. Best of all, A++ Flash Cards is free!


  1. There needs to be a way to scroll on the cards. As of now it just cuts them off

  2. Thanks - I'll look into adding that feature - as of now I was hoping that being able to adjust the font size, in settings, would take care of cards being cut off.

  3. Scrolling has now been added - I hope that helps. Thanks again for the feedback.

  4. It would be nice to add images and pics to the cards...
